We’re here to help
If you’re a person with any disability of any age who lives in Franklin, Delaware, Licking, or Union County Ohio, the Center for Disability Empowerment (CDE) can help you find resources to live, learn, worship, work, and play in your community, in your own way.
Our community-based, non-residential center is guided by your choices. We will help you create an Independent Living Plan (ILP) with the steps and resources you need to reach your goals, whether they’re big or small. Here are a few examples:
Learn skills
Such as how write a letter, interview for a job, manage money, or apply for benefits
Find services
Such as transportation options, healthy resources, or personal care assistance
Defend your rights
By gaining access, speaking up, or working for broader change

The needs of people with disabilities in an emergency/disaster situation are often unmet. The ability to evacuate is frequently impossible and if not shelters and other accommodations may not be accessible, the need for electricity for daily equipment to breathe or to keep medications cold is in peril. Traditional channels of help do not generally meet these needs. If you or someone you know is struggling to prepare for this situation, particularly those in the south, we encourage you to contact one of these agencies for direction and assistance:
• Disability & Disaster Hotline: If you are disabled and need help contact 800-626-4959 or hotline@disasterstrategies.org. Morehere: https://disasterstrategies.org/hotline/
• The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies Hurricane Helene Disability Response Update: https://disasterstrategies.org/hurricane-helene…/
• Southeast ADA Center National, Federal, and Regional Resources: https://adasoutheast.org/resources/helene-resources/
• AAC Disaster Relief for people who have lost or damaged their communication system/devices: aacdisasterrelief.recovers.org
• National Voluntary Organizations Active In Disasters Helene Resources: Hurricane Helene Response | VOAD (nvoad.org)

Help to Empower People with Disabilities.
Your donation will help our work, ensuring that people with disabilities are fully included, contributing members of our community.